Ganoderma (Reishi) Mushroom and Organo™ Premium Products FAQ

Here you will find answers to common questions about Reishi and Organo™ premium products such as:
  • What is Ganoderma (Reishi)?
  • What are the health benefits?
  • Why Organo™ Ganoderma products?
  • The best Organo™ products for you: King Coffee, Black Coffee, other beverages, and/or capsules
  • Purchase options, including how to set up Wholesale to receive a discount

What is Ganoderma?

Ganoderma (Reishi) is often called the powerhouse of the mushroom.

It has been recognized as a medicinal mushroom and used for over 2,000 years to support a healthy immune system and is the most studied herb in the world!

It is also an adaptogen, which means it works to help the body “adapt” to stressors and restore balance.

What are the health benefits of Ganoderma?

There are over 3,000 published articles on the healing powers of Ganoderma.

Some documented benefits:

  • Modulates the immune system
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Calms the mind and supports anxiety and depression
  • Balances blood sugar and hormones
  • Heals leaky gut
  • Regulates pH in the body
  • Eradicates viruses, bacteria, Candida and parasites
  • Prevents cancer and Alzheimer’s
  • Protects from radiation and EMFs
  • Increases GABA – Improves sleep and adrenal fatigue, and balances cortisol

Why Organo™ Ganoderma Products?

Sourcing is Everything

Organo™ sources the most bioavailable form of Ganoderma and infuses it into a variety of gourmet beverages and nutraceuticals.

Most Reishi is grown artificially in plastic bags and tubes and/or on myceliated grain. 

Organo™ Ganoderma is certified to be 100% organic and is grown on real tree logs in the Wagyu Mountains of Asia, as nature intended. Their controls are strict, cultivation processes are patented, and manufacturing practices are certified.

Organo™ also sources premium coffee that is tested to be free of mold/mycotoxins.

Ganoderma Spore Products

All Organo™ products contain Ganoderma, but the King Coffee and Spore Powder Capsules contain Ganoderma Spores, the most powerfully healing part of the mushroom.

Patent Protected Process

No other company in the world has the patent protected process to harvest reishi spores at 99.9% bioavailability, like Organo™.

Ganoderma Spores are protected by a hard shell. The only way for our bodies to digest the nutrients inside them is to crack their inner and outer shell.

While many companies have the technology to crack open 2-7% of their spores, Organo™ has the unique system to ensure their spore powder is composed of 99.9% open spores. 

What are the different types of Ganoderma and which products contain each type?

These infographics will help you find the best Organo™ products for you!

Why add Reishi to coffee and tea?

Because you will never forget to drink your morning cup!

Does it taste like mushrooms?

It tastes like gourmet, fancy goodness! I don’t think it tastes like mushrooms, just a delicious cup of coffee. The way the reishi is prepared removes the bitterness from the mushroom itself and absorbs some of the bitterness in the coffee. 

Is it tested for mold?

Yes, absolutely! Organo products are tested for mold and mycotoxins (substances produced by mold). Organo tests and rejects raw materials with any trace of mold. The individual packets also prevent mold.

What if I have Candida or Mold?

Food mushrooms contain a polysaccharide that breaks down into a sugar that can feed Candida and other fungus, like mold. Medicinal based reishi does not do this. In fact, it’s one of the strongest antimicrobial agents that helps the body get rid of pathogenic fungus. Additionally, the triterpenes found in Reishi exhibit antimicrobial benefits. They have been shown to fight bad bacteria in the digestive system and other microbial and fungal infections.

What if I'm sensitive to caffeine or need decaf?

Most people who are sensitive to caffeine do amazing with the reishi in these beverages because it modulates the caffeine response in the body. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, start slow with 1/4-1/2 packet and work your way up from there.

What if I don't drink coffee or tea?

There is something for everyone! If coffee or tea aren’t your thing, don’t forget about the capsule options!

Why is King Coffee more expensive than the other Organo™ beverages?

Simply put, it's the healthiest coffee in the world!

King Coffee is made with organic coffee and contains a therapeutic dose of reishi spores (17-80x more potent than the Lucidium (body of the Reishi). The outer cracked shell of the reishi mushroom (the spores) takes 5-7 months to harvest with a patent protected process to ensure 99.9% bioavailability. This spore powder is infused into the king coffee.

What is the difference between the Black Coffee and the King Coffee?

The Black coffee is a darker roast and contains organic reishi fruiting body powder (ganoderma lucidum). If you want a highly affordable cup of healthy coffee and want to promote healthier detoxification, this is your go-to! The Black coffee is not organic but the mushrooms are.

The coffee in King coffee is organic and contains organic reishi spores (most powerfully healing part of the mushroom – up to 80x more potent than lucidum). This is your top shelf product. 

What about the other beverages?

Organo™ offers a variety of teas, espresso, flavored coffee options, and hot chocolate!

The flavored coffees and hot chocolate do contain dairy, so I do not consume them. I personally only drink the Green Tea or Red Tea, Black Coffee and King Coffee.

How can I order?

Purchase Options:

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I have more questions!

Feel free to contact me or DM me on Instagram, I’m happy to help!