5 Things That Transformed My Health in 2020

by Chelsea Turner

I’m often asked what [diet/supplement/protocol/practice] has transformed my health and helped me the most in my healing journey.

While reviewing my progress over the last year, I realized there were 5 key things that transformed my health in the year 2020. 

Before I share what they are, I want to preface by saying that we are each unique and bio-individual beings. What may work for me, may not work for you, and vice versa. 

With that said, my intention is always to share my experience with you in hopes that my story will help guide you through your healing journey, so that you can find your healthiest, happiest, and most vibrant self. 

The 5 things that transformed my health in 2020

1. Finding the root cause of my chronic illness

Nearly 10 years ago I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. Throughout that time, I picked up various other diagnoses along the way — SIBO, EBV, hormonal imbalance, anxiety…the list goes on and on. 

With each new diagnosis came a new protocol. A new set of rules I had to follow. Each time I would start to feel better, but never 100%. I wanted to know why. Why couldn’t I heal despite all my efforts?

I poured myself deeply into research and put everything I thought I knew about healing on pause as I began to uncover the real reason I could never heal.

After a lifetime of feeling unwell, I came to the realization that I have been given band aid solutions for far too long, and in order to find true healing, I needed to uncover the root cause of my chronic illness. I needed to stop treating my symptoms and start healing my body on a cellular level.

Once I started working with a practitioner who took a root cause approach to healing, I began to truly transform my health.

2. Opening drainage pathways

If I had a dollar for every time I tried a detox protocol only to end up feeling worse in the end, I would be a rich woman.

This year, I learned an incredible lesson: Detoxing or killing pathogens without opening drainage pathways is a recipe for disaster. 


If your drainage pathways are backed up or blocked and you begin a detox, those toxins will have nowhere to go and will end up being reabsorbed in the body, which will lead you to feel worse than before you started. 

That’s why it’s extremely important to ensure these pathways are open and functioning optimally before doing any type of detox/cleanse/protocol.

What are drainage pathways and how can you support them?

I’ll be sharing a full series on this in January on Instagram, so stay tuned!

3. Supporting emotions and healing past traumas

Did you know that suppressed emotions can make you sick? 

It’s true! Emotional suppression can cause chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety, and depression.

So far, I have focused on journaling, using essential oils, practicing meditation and breathwork to release stagnant energy and emotions that are weighing me down. I’m also looking into working with a therapist to work through past traumas.

This part of my healing journey is new to me, but I’m looking forward to learning how I can better support my emotions in 2021. 

4. Daily Journaling 

Writing in my journal first thing in the morning before anything else has truly transformed my day. It helps clear my mind, which leaves more room for me to feel creative, inspired, and present.

My 4 step journal method to create a day filled with abundance

  1. Gratitude – What are you grateful for? Write down each thing that comes to your mind, no matter how small it may seem.
  2. What’s on your mind – List all your thoughts to get them out of your mind and onto paper, similar to a brain dump
  3. Solutions – Do you see any problems or things you’re worried about on your “what’s on my mind” list? Write down some solutions you can implement. 
  4. Affirmations – List specific affirmations for yourself, depending on what you need support in. For example, “My body is healing more each day” or “I am safe. I am supported. I am loved.”

5. King Coffee 

I stopped drinking coffee after my Crohn’s diagnosis nearly 10 years ago. That’s a long time for a once former coffee lover to be without her coffee!

Why did I stop drinking regular coffee?

Coffee is extremely acidic, increases cortisol, makes hormones go haywire, changes the pH of the body (which can lead to dysbiosis/pathogens), and causes caffeine jitters.

The healthiest cup of coffee in the world

This year, I learned about the incredible healing powers of Reishi (Ganoderma), often called the powerhouse of the mushroom.

This wasn’t my first time hearing the buzz about Reishi. I had tried other Reishi drinks, but never noticed much of a difference in how I felt consuming them and just didn’t understand what all the hype was about. 

Then I learned about King Coffee, and wow what a difference! 

What makes this coffee so special? 

King coffee is made with organic coffee and contains a therapeutic dose of Reishi spores (the most powerfully healing part of the mushroom), which modulate the negative side effects that are typical with regular coffee.

No other coffee in the world has the patent-protected process to harvest reishi spores at 99.9% bioavailability, like Organo King Coffee. It’s organic, has zero drug interactions, has nine certifications, and is mold/mycotoxin free. 

This coffee is truly healing my body, mind and soul, one cup at a time.

How can I learn more? How can I try it for myself?

Read my FAQ all about Reishi and Organo Premium Products (King coffee, beverages and capsules), and check out my KING Instagram story highlight for testimonials + why I drink it every day!

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