The 1:1 Experience...
Are you ready for a healing experience that honors your uniqueness?
If you...
Deeply desire to restore balance within your body & mind, but you don’t know how or where to start…
Feel like you’re doing “everything right” and like you’ve tried “all the things” to heal, but you still feel sick & stuck…
Are tired of feeling lost, unsupported, unheard & dismissed by doctors & practitioners…
Are overwhelmed, exhausted & confused by trying to troubleshoot on your own…
Feel like functional testing, cookie-cutter protocols, popularized rigid healing “roadmaps” & healing “rules” have failed you…
Identify as having autoimmune, digestion, hormone, and/or anxiety issues. You’re so ready to break free from these labels, but it’s hard for you to imagine yourself healing…
I feel you, because I’ve been there & I have a solution for you!
Imagine if you could...
Break free from constantly managing & worrying about your symptoms (like bloating, constipation, loose stools, food sensitivities, painful periods & PMS, fatigue, anxiety & more!)…
Understand the root causes of why you’re experiencing these symptoms (in a way that doesn’t lead to more fear & overwhelm)…
Say goodbye to food fear and feeling sensitive to everything…
Stop guessing & know exactly what YOUR unique body needs in order to restore balance within…
Finally overcome your fears, let go of limiting beliefs holding you back from healing, reclaim your power, trust the path you’re on & believe in your body’s ability to heal…
Have a different type of relationship with your practitioner (one where you feel truly safe, seen, held & supported)…
Feel empowered with the tools you need to be your healthiest, happiest and most vibrant self!

Hi, I'm Chelsea!
I’ve been exactly where you are, which is why I can help!

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Bioenergetic Practitioner, Holistic Healing Guide, Space Holder and Educator
I’m on a mission to help you shift your perspective around what it means to heal and how to heal…
So you can awaken the innate healer within you, reclaim your power and restore balance within your body and mind – without the overwhelm!
My own healing journey has profoundly shaped my work as a practitioner and a space holder.
I have spent my lifetime overcoming chronic and debilitating symptoms – from digestive issues and hormone imbalances, to acne, joint/muscle/nerve pain, brain fog, headaches, anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue, immense food fear, and more.
It felt like I was being handed out diagnoses like candy – from Autoimmune Disease, Crohn’s Disease, Lyme Disease and Endometriosis, to Epstein Barr Virus, heavy metal and mold toxicity, parasites, SIBO, candida, leaky gut, histamine intolerance, MCAS, POTS, and more.
Believe me when I say, I have walked thousands of miles in your shoes.
I understand…
What it’s like to constantly fear and obsess over a never ending list of symptoms that don’t make sense, all while feeling like your body is betraying you
How incredibly frustrating it is to feel like despite “doing everything right” and trying ALL the things (from restrictive diets, to all sorts of supplement protocols, fancy biohacking gadgets, nervous system tools, somatic exercises, detoxes and testing)…you still feel sick and stuck
Feeling lost, unsupported, unheard and dismissed by doctors and practitioners (yes, even holistic minded ones)
The emotional overwhelm & trauma that comes along with navigating chronic health imbalances
I’m here to show you…
There’s a different way to heal.

The 1:1 Experience
What it Is:
A root cause approach to healing – Instead of just supporting symptoms, I ask the deeper questions of WHY you’re experiencing symptoms in the first place, so you can truly restore balance within.
A physical and emotional journey – Being on a healing journey is so much more than just focusing on the physical aspects of healing (like nutrition, detoxification & supplements). It is equally about the emotional & energetic aspects as well (like learning how to shift your beliefs, how to cultivate safety within yourself, how to reduce overwhelm in your life, and how to feel & process your emotions).
An intimate safe space healing container – Through monthly 1:1 calls & concierge-level chat support, you are invited to come as you are, let your walls down, share what’s on your heart with me, and ask me any & all questions you have. This allows me to provide you with the space to feel seen, held, understood & supported, all while meeting you exactly where you’re at.
An reclamation of your power – I am incredibly passionate about teaching you how to tap into your unique intuition, reclaim your power & awaken the healer within you!
Personalized nervous system, nutrition, lifestyle & supplement recommendations – You are a beautifully unique individual, which is why your protocols need to be equally unique to meet your needs. Bioresonance Testing helps us understand the exact imbalances happening within your body & provides us with a personalized roadmap of exactly what your unique body needs to restore balance within.
We don’t do basic healing BS over here.
In my world…I help you uplevel your entire way of being.
What’s Included:
Monthly 1:1 Calls – Where we will deeply connect on how you’re doing, what you’re experiencing & make adjustments to your personalized recommendations
Personalized Protocols – with nutrition, lifestyle, nervous system supports & supplement recommendations unique to you and your needs.
1:1 Chat Support with Chelsea – Stay connected with me in between our calls (I respond within 48 business hours). This concierge-level of support is a BIG part of what makes The 1:1 Experience unique. I’ve been where you are, which is why I know that having support and guidance each step of the way on your healing journey is key!
Access to Community Chat Portal – A safe space to receive support & cultivate connection within The Chelsea Turner Wellness Community
Lifetime Access to The Educational Curriculum Inside The Embodied Healing Collective – For extra educational opportunities & resources
Access to professional supplements & healing tools – at discounted pricing
The Timeline & Investment:
Ongoing Month-to-Month Support
Healing is a process of peeling back layers & it takes time.
Everyone’s healing journey is unique so the duration of yours depends on your body’s individual needs…
…which is why I don’t lock my clients into long term pre-set packages. I want you to feel flexibility & to release any pressure or expectations you may be placing on yourself to heal within a certain timeframe.
A 2 month minimum commitment is required. When you feel complete in our time together (after your initial 2 months), you will simply notify me 7 days before your next recurring payment.
The Investment
The investment is $400 per month.
*Note: A Bioresonance Scan is required if you are a new client.
Learn more about Bioresonance Testing HERE!
You will be invoiced for the Bioresonance Scan investment upon enrollment in The 1:1 Experience (you will have the option to pay for the scan in full at $300 or with 2 monthly payments of $150).
Bloodwork testing ($250) is available as an optional additional investment & can be added on at any time if we collectively decide it will be helpful.
How It Works:
Apply HERE – I personally believe being in a practitioner & client relationship is a sacred space, which is why I have an application process. Once I review your application, I will reach out to you within 72 business hours!
After acceptance inside The 1:1 Experience – I will order your bioresonance scan & send you a welcome message inside our 1:1 chat portal! You will also receive an invitation to join the Community Chat Portal & access The Embodied Healing Collective curriculum!
In our first month together – We will have our Initial Consultation, where we will get to know each other & take a deep dive into your health history. I will send you your first personalized protocol after our call.
In our second month together – We will review your Bioresonance Scan results in depth & I will send you an updated protocol based on the findings of your scan after our call.
From there, we will have monthly follow-up calls – Where we will check in & make adjustments to your protocols as needed.
This could be you...