Are you ready to restore balance within so you can reclaim your power and heal?
Imagine if you could...
Break free from managing and worrying about your symptoms – like bloating, constipation, loose stools, painful periods & PMS, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, and more…
Understand the root causes of imbalance within your body and mind…
Have a personalized blueprint to restore balance within, designed just for YOU and your unique needs…
Learn how to listen to the language of your body & develop a beautiful connection with her…
Finally let go of your fears, reclaim your power, trust the path you are on, and believe in your body’s ability to heal…
You can…
I’m here to show you how!

Explore what makes my healing experiences and my approach so unique below…
Hi, I'm Chelsea!
I’ve been exactly where you are, which is why I can help!

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Bioenergetic Practitioner, Holistic Healing Guide, Space Holder and Educator
I’m on a mission to help you shift your perspective around what it means to heal and how to heal…
So you can awaken the innate healer within you, reclaim your power and restore balance within your body and mind – without the overwhelm!
My own healing journey has profoundly shaped my work as a practitioner and a space holder.
I have spent my lifetime overcoming chronic and debilitating symptoms – from digestive issues and hormone imbalances, to acne, joint/muscle/nerve pain, brain fog, headaches, anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue, immense food fear, and more.
It felt like I was being handed out diagnoses like candy – from Autoimmune Disease, Crohn’s Disease, Lyme Disease and Endometriosis, to Epstein Barr Virus, heavy metal and mold toxicity, parasites, SIBO, candida, leaky gut, histamine intolerance, MCAS, POTS, and more.
Believe me when I say, I have walked thousands of miles in your shoes.
I understand…
What it’s like to constantly fear and obsess over a never ending list of symptoms that don’t make sense, all while feeling like your body is betraying you
How incredibly frustrating it is to feel like despite “doing everything right” and trying ALL the things (from restrictive diets, to all sorts of supplement protocols, fancy biohacking gadgets, nervous system tools, somatic exercises, detoxes and testing)…you still feel sick and stuck
Feeling lost, unsupported, unheard and dismissed by doctors and practitioners (yes, even holistic minded ones)
The emotional overwhelm & trauma that comes along with navigating chronic health imbalances

I’m here to tell you that healing is possible….
I created Chelsea Turner Wellness to show you how.
I used to think that “healing” was about eating the “right” foods, trying the latest health fads, doing an insane amount of functional lab testing (like the GI Map, DUTCH, HTMA & bloodwork), obsessing over toxins and pathogens, and constantly following protocols with 20+ supplements.
Spoiler Alert: That’s not what healing is about!
After years of trial and error on my own healing journey…
I finally learned that in order to truly heal…
I had to fully embody healing. I had to believe in it and claim it for myself, as my birthright.
And…I had to listen to the language my body was communicating to guide my unique healing path.
I had to stop…
Following popularized rigid healing rules & “roadmaps” that weren’t personalized to my unique needs
Trying tons of different healing modalities at one time, desperately hoping one would “get rid of” my symptoms
Throwing away my money on loads of functional testing, which just left me feeling more overwhelmed
Trying to “detox” & “kill” every single toxin & pathogen within my body
Forcing and rushing my body’s healing process
Solely focusing on the physical aspects of healing
Feeling like a victim to my circumstance
Staying sick and stuck in patterns, habits, beliefs, behaviors & relationships that were draining me of my life force
I had to start…
Appreciating and honoring the journey, allowing it to unfold as it’s meant to
Linking arms with one practitioner who could hold safe space for me & be my guiding light, while drowning out the rest of the noise
Taking a truly holistic approach to healing by combining the physical and emotional aspects of healing together, using a step-by-step method to restore balance within
Walking my body’s own healing path focused on its unique needs (guided by Bioresonance Testing)
Awakening the healer who was already within me & taking radical responsibility for my own healing
Learning how to shift my beliefs, cultivate safety within myself to sit with discomfort, and feel & process my emotions
Stepping into a new way of being
This was when I felt my health (and entire life) transform!
And this is what lit a fiery passion within me to become a practitioner myself…
…to guide YOU through how to do the same.
I am now honored to combine my BS in Psychology, NTP certification, extensive training in functional and bioenergetic testing, deep understanding of the nervous system and trauma, and years of personal and clinical experience…
To help women just like you (300+ clients served and counting!), experience what it’s like to truly embody healing.

Tell me...
Do any of these statements resonate with you?
Maybe even all of them do…
You deeply desire to restore balance within your body and mind, but you don’t know how or where to start
You identify as having autoimmune, gut, hormone and/or anxiety issues (like IBS, Crohn’s, UC, Rhematoid Arthritis, Endometriosis, PCOS, MS, Fibromyalgia, Lyme, MCAS and more) – you’re so ready to break free from the chains of these labels and diagnoses, but it’s hard for you to imagine yourself healing
You’re so tired of feeling sick and stuck on your healing journey – you want to experience what it’s like to embody healing with every ounce of your being!
You feel like you’re doing “everything right” and like you’ve tried “all the things” to heal (from detoxes, to diet changes, supplements and nervous system tools), but despite your efforts, your symptoms continue to persist, or they temporarily resolve only to come back again
You feel lost, unsupported, unheard and dismissed by doctors and practitioners (yes, even holistic minded ones) – it feels like none of them really see you, or understand your needs and what you’re going through
You’re overwhelmed, exhausted and confused by trying to piece together conflicting health information you find online – it’s so hard to know who to trust and what’s right for you
You have experienced trauma and hardship in your life, but you’re so done with feeling like a victim to your circumstance – you’re so ready to feel good in your body, mind & soul!
You feel like you’re “highly sensitive” and react to “everything” (like other people’s energy and moods, foods, skincare products, your environment and more), maybe you’ve even been diagnosed with (or suspect) histamine intolerance, MCAS or POTS – you’re ready to work with a practitioner who knows what it’s like to live in a sensitive body and mind, and who can show you the way to not only restore balance within, but to thrive with these gifts (yes, gifts)!
You are a practitioner yourself! You feel like you have extensive knowledge of health and healing, yet you struggle with analyzing and supporting yourself as a client – you’re ready for someone to provide the same type of love, care and support for YOU that you provide your own clients
Cookie-cutter protocols, rigid roadmaps and healing “rules” have failed you – you’re ready to be treated like the beautifully unique being that you are!
If this sounds like you…
I’m here to show you a different way to heal

Which healing experience feels most aligned for you?
Whether you’re looking for concierge-level 1:1 support, are craving a sense of community, are more into self-paced learning, or would like to nurture your nervous system with Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR)…
There is space for you here.
Explore options for working together below…

What makes the Chelsea Turner Wellness Healing Experience unique...
Holistic Mind-Body Healing
I believe there are physical, emotional and energetic components to ALL symptoms, imbalance and disease within the body.
My gift as a Bioenergetic Practitioner and Healing Guide is helping you uncover what these components are and guiding you through how to restore balance within your body and mind (AKA your life force).
Simply put, healing is as much an emotional and energetic process as it is a physical process. It is so much more than just following supplement protocols and addressing toxins and pathogens.
Yes, I am here to guide you through focusing on the physical aspects of healing, but we also focus on the emotional, energetic and spiritual aspects as well.
Truly embodying healing is about learning how to…
Shift your beliefs and perceptions
Cultivate safety within yourself
Reduce overwhelm, drama and chaos in your life
Assess your relationships
Hold space to nurture and mother your inner child
Sit with discomfort (like uncomfortable symptoms, pain, suppressed emotions and traumas)
Adjust your daily doings to align with the energy you desire to feel and embody
Come into right relationship with yourself
While equally nurturing the physical components of healing (without restriction, fear or force)…
…like reducing toxin and pathogen load, assessing nutritional needs and mineral needs, enhancing detoxification pathways and utilizing supplements that are an energetic match for your body’s unique needs (thanks to bioenergetic testing!)
I am honored to guide you each step of the way through this deeply holistic, mind-body healing.
Reclamation Of Power
Whether you’ve been on your healing journey for a while, or you are just starting out, you may feel like your power has been stripped from you, right?
This is why I do not view myself as your healer. I am not going to heal you. Instead, I am here to guide you back to the innate healer within yourself. Positive results are dependent on your readiness to take action and radical responsibility for your own healing.
My role is to…
Share my knowledge and experience with you
Hold safe space for you to feel seen, heard, loved and supported
Help you uncover the blocks to your healing
Provide you with personalized recommendations for you to then integrate into your life
Hold a mirror to the parts of you that need your love, care and attention
Walk alongside you each step of the way on your healing journey
Be your biggest supporter, encourager and accountability partner
I am incredibly passionate about teaching you how to tap into your unique intuition, practice your own discernment and awaken the healer within YOU!
Fear Free Approach
In the holistic health and wellness space, there can be so much overwhelming and conflicting information. There can also be downright fear mongering.
This is not the vibe here.
Fear is the act of giving away your power.
Here, I guide you through finding solutions to your health challenges, with a focus on knowledge as power!
Safe Space For You To Heal
My healing experiences serve as intimate containers (yes, even in my community spaces), for you to come as you are, let your walls down, and share what’s on your heart with me. Open and honest communication is an essential part of your healing experience.
This allows me to provide you with the space to feel seen, held, loved, understood and supported – all while meeting you exactly where you’re at and lovingly holding a mirror to the parts of you that need your love and attention, so you can step into transformational change.
Who you link arms with to guide you through your healing journey is everything. I am so honored to guide you through yours.
See what's possible for you through the eyes of my clients...