If you’re reading this, you may be in a symptom flare up, which means there’s a good chance you’re struggling.
Whether you’re just starting out on your healing journey or have been navigating it for an extended period of time, the fear that often develops when symptoms start to creep into your life is never easy to manage.
I developed the guide below filled with tools to help you overcome fear, let go of your worry, and believe that you will heal in the midst of a symptom flare up or health crisis.
I have been where you are and I know it is not for the faint of heart, but I also know you will overcome this challenge! You may not see it now, but my hope is that you will feel empowered to let go of your fear and believe in your body’s ability to heal after reading this article.
Manage Fear and Heal During a Symptom Flare Up With These Tools
Write a Gratitude List
When your symptoms are flaring up you may feel like it’s the hardest thing in the world to find something to be grateful for, but this is the beauty of this exercise!
It challenges you to find things you are grateful for (no matter how small or how insignificant they may seem) and write them down. Maybe that’s the sound of birds chirping outside, or the sunshine streaming through your window…whatever it is, write it down and think of as many as you can.
When you’re done, spend a few moments reflecting on your list and recite this mantra to yourself:
“Although I am struggling, I am grateful for so many wonderful things in my life.”
There is something so freeing about getting all the thoughts you have swirling around, out of your mind, and onto paper.
Open your favorite journal and freely write everything that’s on your mind.
Now, go through and mark all of the things that are bringing you stress or fear. On another page, I challenge you to write yourself a solution for each item that you marked.
For example, let’s say one of the items you marked had to do with worrying about the very symptoms you are feeling right now. So, write yourself a solution by listing what you can do to stay grounded during this time. Maybe that looks like making time for rest, taking a hot bath, going to sleep early, or calling a loved one.
The purpose of this journal exercise is to move past resistance and into action by acknowledging the things that are bringing you stress and making them more manageable by coming up with solutions.
Recite Affirmations
Words are incredibly powerful, especially the words we tell ourselves. The way we speak to ourselves has a direct effect on the way we feel and perceive the world around us.
Think about it this way, if you tell yourself that you are “sick” or that you will “never heal,” how do you think this will make you feel? My guess is you will feel sick and like you are unable to heal.
But, guess what?
You have the power to change the narrative.
Instead of reciting your fears over and over in your mind, try reciting positive affirmations instead.
Self-affirmations can buffer stress response (1) and have been shown to reduce the sympathetic nervous system’s response to stressors (2).
Some of my favorite healing affirmations include:
“I am safe. I am loved. I am supported”
“I am strong. I will get through this.”
“I am healing more each day.”
“I trust and believe in my body’s ability to heal.”
For more positive affirmations, check out my “Affirmations” Instagram story highlight!
Make Time for Rest
Rest is one of the most important items on this list. Allowing yourself to rest will help to activate your parasympathetic nervous system. This is also known as the body’s “rest and digest” mode.
Sleep is when the body repairs, restores, and detoxifies via the glymphatic system, which is why it’s so important to make sure you’re having adequate rest during a symptom flare up. You should ideally be getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night, but be mindful that you may need even more while healing. Listen to your body and allow yourself to rest when you’re feeling the need.
Check out this post for my favorite sleep hygiene tips!
Sometimes we can get so caught up in thoughts of where we want to be that we lose track of where we’ve already been, and forget what we’ve already overcome.
Take a look back on your healing journey and think of all the struggles you have worked through thus far. YOU did that. You are strong and you are capable of doing it again. Trust and believe this in your heart.
I like to chronicle my healing journey every year so I can look back on what worked and what didn’t, and remind myself of my strength and ability to heal. I suggest you do the same!
Breathwork and Meditation
Both of these modalities help to shift away from a sympathetic “fight or flight” state and into a parasympathetic “rest and digest” state. This helps to bring the body into a state of mindfulness.
Breathwork is a healing tool that can rapidly bring the mind to the present moment, reduce stress, and improve our resilience to stress (3).
You can also find a breathwork coach to guide you. My friend Courtni Allison is an amazing healer who recently launched a Foundations of Breathwork course.
Breathwork Course Discount Code: Chelsea Turner Wellness readers can use the code CHELSEA10 for 10% off!
There is also a growing body of evidence demonstrating positive benefits from meditation in some clinical populations especially for stress reduction, anxiety, depression, and pain improvement (4).
There are several guided meditation apps you can download on your phone – Insight Timer, Calm and Headspace to name a few. You can often search for meditations by type (anxiety relief, body scan, etc.) or time (5 minutes, 10 minutes, or longer).
This Instagram video is a guided meditation led by me. It will lead you through a beautiful visualization to meet your future self.
Shift Your Mindset
You may be asking yourself, “why is this happening to me?” I get it. When we are working so hard to find healing, we want answers. We so desperately want to understand why these struggles have been given to us.
The next time you feel this way, try this exercise to shift your mindset:
Close your eyes. Place your hand over your heart. And instead of repeating “why is this happening to me” over and over again in your mind, try asking yourself these questions…
Why is this happening FOR me?
Why has this challenge been placed in my life?
What is this trying to teach me?
What is the greater purpose?
What is the bigger picture?
You may not have the answers to these questions right away, but I promise you they are deep within you, and once you uncover them, all of these struggles you have been faced with will all make sense.
How to Cultivate a Positive Mindset During a Symptom Flare Up or Healing Crisis
This Instagram video answers questions I receive often on how to cultivate a positive mindset while healing.
Nourish Your Body
While in a symptom flare up, you may need to change your diet to accommodate your needs, and that’s ok. Try not to beat yourself up over not being able to enjoy the foods you love and typically enjoy right now. Instead, trust in knowing that you will be able to bring them back into your diet again.
Drink plenty of mineral water and focus on eating the foods that are most nourishing to you at the moment.
If you’re struggling with digestive symptoms during a symptom flare up, the following foods and herbs can be very nourishing and soothing to the gut:
- Bone broth (*be mindful if you have a histamine intolerance)
- Well-cooked vegetables
- Warming foods like soups and stews
- Aloe Vera Juice
- Marshmallow Root
- Ginger
- Slippery Elm
- Licorice Root
Ask for Help
When chronic symptoms strike, it can feel very isolating and like you are suffering in silence, but it doesn’t have to feel this way. I highly encourage you to share what you are going through and ask for help when you need it.
One of the first places to start is by reaching out to your practitioner for guidance. Your practitioner should be someone you trust, who helps you feel safe, and who encourages you when times get tough. Reach out to let them know the symptoms you’re experiencing so they can help you through this challenging time. They may offer suggestions to modify your diet, supplement routine, and/or lifestyle practices to help bring your body back into balance.
If you’re looking for a practitioner to walk alongside you on your healing journey, my 1:1 program will be launching this fall! Add your name to my waitlist to be notified as soon as my services are available.
I also suggest connecting with your friends, family and loved ones. They are a wonderful resource for providing physical, mental, and emotional support. They can also just be there for you as an ear to listen, or to give you a good laugh or hug when you need it.
Find Community and Share Your Story
You may be feeling alone in what you’re going through, but I assure you, you are not alone! One way to overcome this feeling is to find a sense of community and share your story.
Opening up and allowing yourself to be vulnerable is a powerful way to connect with others. Whether that’s by joining a support group, utilizing social media, or writing your own blog, there are so many ways for you to find a community of other people who are going through similar struggles as you are.
I know it can be intimidating to share your story on a public platform, but at the same time, it’s incredibly empowering! I firmly believe that when we share our story, we not only bring ourselves healing, but we also help so many others along the way. Why not give it a try and see how it makes you feel?
Final Thoughts on Managing a Symptom Flare Up
Healing is not linear. Some days you may feel amazing and full of life, while others you may feel your absolute worst. You may also have months at a time where you feel incredible, until you may find yourself faced with a setback.
This is normal and all part of the healing process. Practice the tips in this article and believe in your body’s ability to heal. Know that I am sending you love and healing wherever you are on your journey. You’ve got this!
Symptom Flare Up Healing Tools and Resources
All of my favorite healing tools are linked in my online shop, free resources are available on my website, and so much content is shared on my Instagram to further support you.
If you’re looking for a practitioner who will walk alongside you on your healing journey, my 1:1 program will be launching this fall! Add your name to my waitlist to be notified as soon as my services are available.